In my spare time I’m a gamer and I spend most of my nights playing the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic! I was lucky enough to be the counterpart to Scya (aka Swtorista) and together we were the hosts of a podcast about SWTOR called “The Star Forge Podcast”.

I enjoyed working on this podcast so much and I learned a lot of tricks about audio engineering in the process. The show was cut, edited and post-produced by me and I’m very proud of it. The majority of the script writing, funny segments and most of the bad language was also written by me. Can’t stop the joke train!

While the time has come to end our Cast we have a great backlog of episodes for your listening pleasure. There is no telling what the future may bring, but for now Mal and Scya are signing off.

Check out all our episodes here or on any platform used for listening to podcasts.

Oh yeah, speaking of jokes here is one of my favorite bits about the time the Savannah Vorantikus just would not stop being offered for sale on the Cartel Market. Enjoy.